Embracing Emotions & Experience – Protecting Against Emotional Bypassing

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Embracing Emotions & Experience – Protecting Against Emotional Bypassing

December 7, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Towards the Psychology of Buddhism Series
A Day of Teachings and Practice

Join us for a Day of Meditation and Teachings


For this Day of Teachings and Practice, we will combine meditation sessions with audio teachings by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX.

Short retreats are a great way to deepen your knowledge of a Buddhist topic and strengthen your meditation practice. Please join us in this opportunity to practice and learn together. Newcomers are very welcome! E-Vam Institute Members, free as a part of membership.


Embracing Emotions & Experience – Protecting Against Emotional Bypassing

When we use meditation to avoid feeling or facing our emotions, this is called “emotional bypassing.” It can arise if we have come to believe that the Buddhist notion of “taming the mind” means meditation will rid us of emotional upheavals or that this is what being a meditator means. From a Buddhist view, the notion of taming the mind includes learning to relate to all aspects of experience, including our emotions.

In these talks in the final of our 2024 series on “Towards the Psychology of Buddhism”, Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX considers common Western misunderstandings of Buddhism and meditation, especially at the intersection of psychology/psychotherapy. Rinpoche emphasises the importance of developing mindfulness and awareness as a basis for learning to actively negotiate between the “data” from our senses, our conceptions, and emotions to understand how we have come to habitually perceive our world.

On this basis, Rinpoche demonstrates that the practice of the Middle Way view requires us to move away from ideas that Buddhism is simply concerned with “transcending” our experiences and towards the truth.


Buddhism is a total approach to life experience. 

[Therefore,] … to say that Buddhism cannot address certain aspects of human life 

and that we need psychotherapy to address those aspects, is not true. 

Really, I would like to say that. 

Because if one is approaching Buddhism in a genuine manner, 

in a whole-hearted fashion, then whatever Buddhism says we will have, whatever Buddhism promises, 

we will experience that — there is no doubt.

– Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX


In this series of talks, you will learn:

– How, from a Buddhist view, the notion of taming the mind includes learning to relate to all aspects of experience, including emotions.
– A Buddhist response to Western psychological approaches to meditation, including philosophical and cultural contrasts
– The meaning of transcendence from a Buddhist view
– How to approach meditation and Buddhist practice from a Middle Way view
– The relationship between our sensory impressions, our conceptions, and emotions in terms of our experiences
– The connection between how we treat others and our emotional well-being.

Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX was enthroned as the Supreme Abbot of Trangu Monastery and underwent rigorous scholastic and meditation training under various Kagyu and Nyingma masters before coming to Australia in 1980. Traleg Rinpoche passed away on 24 July 2012 however Rinpoche’s legacy lives on in his centres and projects established worldwide. Full bio here.



9 am – 10:30 am Meditation
10:30 am – 11:00 am Break
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Meditation & Teaching
12:30 pm – 2 pm Lunch
2 pm – 3 pm Meditation
3 pm – 3:15 pm Break
3:15 pm – 4:30 pm Meditation & Teachings



Discounts: Members free as a part of membership (code: member) HCC Holder 10% (code: concession) – Students 30% (code: student) – Under35 30% (code: under35)

Dana: I would like to apply for Dana – financial support to attend this course at E-Vam (https://evaminstitute.org/dana/)




December 7, 2024
9:00 am - 4:30 pm


Online and at E-Vam Institute
673 Lygon St
Princes Hill, Victoria 3054 Australia
+ Google Map
(61 3) 9387 0422