A brief explanation of the sacred qualities and activities that have benefited all beings in temporal matters and on the ultimate level by the inconceivable emanation of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, as written by Khenpo Khartar Rinpoche, who came from Thrangu Gompa, and who now resides at Karma Triyana Dhamachakra, Woodstock, USA.
When Buddha Sakyamuni turned the wheel of Dharma in Jampudiva world, this being, known to us as Traleg Rinpoche, was born as Ananda. Perfecting Buddhahood, he worked to develop the Buddhadharma.
He next incarnated as Tulku Tsermed ‘Oden, inseparable with glorious Sangwai Dagpo, lord of tantrayana, and taught tantrayana in the unsurpassable dakini realm. Having developed such teachings in all directions through endless times, his next rebirth was as the mahayogi Thogmed Yonten, skilled in all miraculous powers. This mahayogi was the disciple of Saraha and lord Nagarjuna. He benefited beings by developing Buddhism in general, and the tantrayana in particular, in all the ten directions of the world.
His next rebirth was as the mahasiddha Dapa Sherab, principle disciple of Mahasiddha Tilopa, his next rebirth was as Siddha Dogon Lotsawa, disciple of glorious Naropa. He translated many unavailable teachings of the lesser and higher vehicles, particularly the Vajrayana teachings.
His next incarnation was as a disciple of Lotsawa Marpa named Ngod Choku Dorje, who translated tantric teachings from Sanskrit into Tibetan language. He was skilled at both learning and meditation, and carried out the sedgyerd(learning)
His next incarnation was as a disciple of Gampopa, Saltong Shogom, one of the “ Three Men From Kham”.
Likewise, his next incarnation, Pandit Wangchuck Dorje, was famous and skilled in both sutrayana an. His next rebirth was during the time of the third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje, as Toden Tachug. He developed and taught Kagyu teachings.
Later, for many generations, he incarnated as a bhiku ( a fully ordained monk) called Chokyi Wangchuk, who enriched and liberated limitless living beings.
Then Chokyi Dragpa incarnated in the second seat of the Kagyu order in Karmai Gon where he taught and developed Buddhad
Then, in order to develop and carry on the Buddhadharma, he was requested to be head of the Trangu Monastery. His name was Nyima Tashi. Eight successive incarnations bearing the name of Traleg benefited beings and taught all directions according to the prophecy of Guru Padmasambhava:
“ You will benefit living beings with bearing the name Nyima for eight incarnations as a fully ordained bhiksu”. The names of the eight successive incarnations were as follows (1) Nyima Tashi, (2) Nyima Gyurme, (3) Nyima Salgye, (4) Chogyal Nyima, (5) Trinley Nyima, (6) Yeshe Nyima, (7) Kunchab Nyima, (8), Choekyi Nyima, and (9) Trinley Nyima.
The ninth Traleg Rinpoche was born in the Wood Sheep year (1955), the first month of the Tibetan calendar. Enthroned at the age of eighteen months, he was fully able to participate in the playing of damaru and bells and to give the traditional blessings during the enthronement ceremony. When he was four, the communists invaded Tibet and about 100 people from his area escaped. During the critical moments when people had no idea where to go, the four-year old Traleg Rinpoche directed them and eventually they escaped safely to India.
Nyima Tashi: The Songs and Instructions of the First Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche

Foreword by the Ninth Kyabgon Traleg Rinpoche
Gampopa, the peerless physician from Dakpo, who was repeatedly predicted and praised by the Buddha, caused the teachings of the lineage of accomplishment to become widespread in the Himalayan land of Tibet. All his disciples gave rise to the sudden realization of Mahamudra. Among them were five hundred great meditators, of whom the greatest and most famous were the three Khampas. One of these three was the Khampa Saltong Shogom, who achieved the greatest mastery of the channels and winds through the practice of chandali. His rebirth was Nyima Tashi the Birth- Recollector, who devoted his life to silent practice in sealed retreat. He saw the faces of yidams, realized Mahamudra, and thereafter recounted his previous births and prophesied his future ones. He sang vajra songs that are still warm with his blessing.This brief account of his recollections, prophecies of future births, and songs has now been translated into English and published. It is certain that disciples who study it will plant the seed of liberation in their continuums. I therefore rejoice in and am grateful for its publication.