E-Vam Institute 2020: Working Group Model
E-Vam Institute is seeking to increase community participation, where the bulk of the tasks and activities of the institute will be the responsibility of collaborative working groups made up of community members. This document aims to provide a brief overview of how this will work.
This document, compiled by managers and board members is an interim document only; providing a framework for understanding how the working groups will operate, and how they fit into the broader plans and priorities of E-Vam Institute. For the long-term, working groups such as a governance working group, along with the board, will formulate guides around planning and the code of conduct, utilising consultation with the community.
2020-21 Plan & Priorities
The long-term aim of E-Vam Institute is to maintain a flourishing community and Dharma program for Traleg Rinpoche’s return. In the short and medium term, this means increasing and strengthening the E-Vam community, maintaining and improving our main centre and retreat centre, delivering a robust program (particularly an online offering in the current climate) and strengthening our financial and organisational position.
Priority Projects at June 2020:
1. Documentation of E-Vam plans, priorities and community model & establishing Working Group model
2. Documentation of policies, systems and processes of E-Vam Institute tasks
3. 2020 Online Program
4. Community Building Campaign
5. Financial Review
6. Ensure main income stream can resume once business resumes at Maitripa
These projects will be overseen by Working Groups, made up of members of the community; keeping in mind the overall principles, plan and priorities of E-Vam Institute.
Interim Code of Conduct
It’s important that these working groups be collaborative, transparent and respectful. All working group members should follow these guidelines around communication, decision-making and behaviour. By joining the working group, you are agreeing to behave in a way that is in line with this code of conduct.
The way the Centre is run – principles of the community run model
- Clarity of purpose and principles (Dharmic pursuit)
- Self-identification to be part of the community
- Inclusive community decision making (made by those involved)
- Opportunities to participate (decision making, volunteering, donating)
- Open communication
- Processes for conflict resolution and grievances.
How do we relate to each other?
· Be guided by Buddhist ethics
· Abide by E-Vam Institute policies and procedures
· With the spirit of service, warmth and inclusion
· Be respectful; act with kindness and care
· No aggressive or intimidating behaviour
· No bullying or harassment of any kind
· Consider the role of power and act in a way that minimises power imbalances.
· Respond to the needs and rights of everyone, inclusive of those affected by marginalisation and exclusion.
· Be honest and authentic
· Minimise harm and think about the impact of our actions
How do we make decisions?
· With strong consideration and adherence to the direction and fundamental principles that Traleg Rinpoche provided for E-Vam Institute and Maitripa Centre’s activities, community and development.
· Focusing on the best interests and current priorities of E-Vam Institute
· Including people affected, interested and knowledgeable about the issue
· By consensus – working until everyone is accepting (not always agreeing) with the decision
· Giving appropriate weight to expertise (within E-Vam and external to E-Vam)
· Transparently and fairly
· Considering and learning from past mistakes and obstacles
How do we communicate?
· Proactively – don’t wait
· Inclusively – to all those who have an interest in the matter
· Clearly – with directness and without agenda
· Reasonably – with clear and reasonable expectations, inclusive of time expectations.
· Positively – without blame or disparagement.
· With a transparent and collaborative approach
Please note that this code of conduct and “principles of the community run model” will be revised by a committee at a later date. This will be a committee of community members responsible for documenting the principles of E-Vam Institute, its code of conduct and any grievance procedures. If you are interested in joining this committee, which will commence approximately mid 2020, please email the board at and register your interest.