Protecting the Future of E-Vam

Further to our wider communication last week, we are contacting the sangha to share internal changes that are taking place to ensure E-Vam Institute is sustainable during these difficult times.

E-Vam makes most of our income from the hire of the Maitripa Centre. As a result of Covid 19, external bookings in the next few weeks have been cancelled or postponed, including our own Easter retreat, which has moved to an online event. We expect more cancellations and postponements to occur and these are likely to  run through April and May and possibly beyond. 

E-vam operates extremely well, at a modest cost in staffing, however the costs along with the necessary capital maintenance and upgrade requirements of two ageing facilities means that we are currently running a deficit this financial year.  With the loss of Maitripa Centre income we are not in a financial position to sustain ongoing deficits.

As a result, and jointly decided by our three employees and the board, we are going to cease paid employment for the foreseeable future and move the Centre to a completely volunteer run model. Once financially sustainable the Centre will consider recommencement of paid employment positions. This is a difficult decision to make and the employees have been remarkable in their dedication and decision to support the Centre.

The Centre is already significantly run by volunteers. Employees will remain in their roles for the time being to establish the systems and processes needed to move to a volunteer-run operation.  The Board, and we hope the community, will do everything we can to support employees in the transition as well as assisting them gaining other employment. The board has already taken up additional tasks to support this transition. 

We are sure that you will join with us in thanking the employees from the bottom of our hearts for the outstanding job they have done to operate E-Vam and Maitripa in this important period after Rinpoche’s passing. 

We are asking the community at this time to volunteer (on-site or at-home) in areas where you are able to help us. You can click here to register your interest and we will be in touch soon. 

A reminder also to consider supporting the Centre by registering for online courses and the Easter Retreat, purchasing from the bookstore or making a donation.

We thank you for your continued support for the Centre and continue to wish you and your loved ones all the very best at this time.

E-Vam Board